
10 Highlights on the Updates to the UAE VAT Executive Regulations Effective 15 November 2024

10 Highlights on the Updates to the UAE VAT Executive Regulations Effective 15 November 2024

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On Friday, October 4, 2024, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) released the English version of Cabinet Decision No. 100 of 2024, with an issuance date of 6 September 2024, amending the provisions of UAE VAT Executive Regulations (The Executive Regulation of the Federal Decree-Law No. 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax, Cabinet Decision No. 52 of 2017 – Issued on 26 November 2017 as amended till date). The publication follows the FTA’s earlier release of an Arabic version on October 2, 2024.

The updated version of the UAE VAT Executive Regulations (UAE VAT ERs) will enter into force on November 15, 2024. In total, 35 changes have been made, covering 34 articles. Although it is not the first time that the UAE VAT ERs have been amended (the last amendment was made through Cabinet Decision No. 99 of 2022 – Issued on 21 October 2022 and Effective from 1 January 2023), such an extensive overhaul is unprecedented in UAE VAT.

Aurifer has singled out 10 highlights regarding the recent amendments to the UAE VAT ERs, promising more in-depth coverage in the coming weeks. Noteworthy, the FTA has not yet published guidance on its interpretation of the planned changes. Therefore, the following analysis needs to be read with some caution. 

1. Zero Rating Exports of Goods

Article 30 UAE VAT ERs has been changed to clarify the documentation that should be retained as evidence for the direct/indirect export or customs suspension of goods.

The documents to be used as evidence may include 1) a customs declaration and commercial evidence proving the export of goods, 2) a certificate of shipment and official evidence proving the export of goods, or 3) a customs declaration proving the customs suspension situation. The article has also expanded the definitions of official evidence, commercial evidence, and certificate of shipment.

This update is essentially meant to align the documentation for proof of export of goods more closely with recent changes in UAE Excise Tax legislation. The change seems to reflect a more practical approach, compared to the strict approach the FTA had used in the past of requiring “exit certificates” in almost all cases for exports of goods.

2. Zero Rating Exports of Services

Article 31 UAE VAT ERs now lists a further condition for a supply of services to qualify for zero rating.

Notably, Article 31(1)(a)(3) UAE VAT ERs provides that “[t]he Export of Services shall be zero-rated … if … the Services are not treated as being performed in the State or in a Designated Zone under Clauses 3 to 8 of Article 30 and Article 31 of the Decree-Law”.

This update aims to clarify that a service cannot be considered provided outside the UAE and, therefore, zero-rated if it refers to a service for which special place of supply rules apply, such as restaurant and cultural services or telecommunication and electronic services. These amendments seem to be more clarifying, as this was already how the FTA was administering the provision.

3. Virtual Assets

Article 1 UAE VAT ERs provides a new definition of virtual assets, which includes any “[d]igital representation of value that can be digitally traded or converted and can be used for investment purposes”, although not including “digital representations of fiat currencies or financial securities”. This seems to include virtual assets such as NFTs and cryptocurrencies, except potentially for e-money and perhaps stablecoins because of the reference to “digital representations of fiat currencies”.

In parallel, Article 42 UAE VAT ERs has been amended with paragraph 2 listing 3 activities considered financial services: 1) “The transfer of ownership of Virtual Assets, including virtual currencies” (letter k); 2) “the conversion of Virtual Assets” (letter l); and 3) “Keeping and managing Virtual Assets and enabling control thereof” (letter m).

While the first two activities are VAT-exempt, even with retroactive effect from 1 January 2018, the VAT treatment of “Keeping and managing Virtual Assets and enabling control thereof” seems to be subject to the standard VAT rate. Therefore, fees charged for wallet and custodial services seem to follow the general rules.

There have been no changes for brokers, but the legal framework seems to have been clarified for most virtual assets. Given the dynamic behind the crypto space, this may not be the last change, and the regulatory framework often plays catch-up.

Aurifer has previously commented on the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies and associated services here, and it looks like the UAE may have drawn some inspiration from these comments.

4. Management of Investment Funds

Financial services listed in Article 42(2) UAE VAT ERs now include (letter j) “the management of investment funds”, which means ‘services provided by the fund manager independently for a consideration, to funds licensed by a competent authority in the State, including but not limited to, management of the fund’s operations, management of investments for or on behalf of the fund, monitoring and improvement of the fund’s performance’.

When the UAE introduced VAT, many UAE fund managers mistakenly interpreted this provision or omitted to charge VAT on the management fee. The extra costs often impacted returns for investment funds that did not have a full right to recover input VAT.

It often led to important disclosures for the fund managers, and there was extensive discussion on the VAT treatment of carried interest. The amended provision now makes a legal U-turn and applies a VAT exemption for UAE fund managers going forward. Fund managers will need to identify the types of income streams they have. If there are no other income streams, fund managers will need to deregister for VAT purposes, which may trigger VAT corrections.

From now on, if fund managers have no other income, they will be unable to claim input VAT. This will increase their operating costs, but funds will have less potentially non-deductible VAT at their level.

5. Input VAT Recovery on Employee Related Expenses

Article 53 UAE VAT ERs now allows a taxable person to deduct input VAT paid on medical insurance for their employees and their dependents.

Input VAT recovery is limited to health insurance for the employee’s spouse and up to three children under 18. Enhanced health insurance also becomes VAT recoverable as an exception to the general non-recoverability of employee-related expenses when it is provided at no charge and for the employee’s personal benefit.

The update clarifies the deductibility, extending an employer’s possibility of recovering input VAT relating to medical insurance for its employees and their dependents, possibly beyond the case in which a legal obligation to that effect exists.

6. Tax Deregistration to Protect the Integrity of the Tax System

Article 14(bis) UAE VAT ERs has been added, enabling the FTA’s power to issue tax deregistration decisions for taxable persons if the continuity of their tax registration may prejudice the integrity of the tax system.

The article provides various conditions for the deregistration decision to be issued, which FTA must verify before completing a taxable person’s deregistration.

This update confirms the FTA’s authority to monitor eligibility conditions and the correct application of UAE VAT legislation. It allows for the FTA to remove perhaps old and inactive VAT registrations.

7. Composite Supplies

Paragraph 1(b) has been added to Article 46 UAE VAT ERs, clarifying the VAT treatment applicable to composite supplies where no principal and ancillary components can be singled out (reference is to Article 4(3)(b) UAE VAT ERs).

The new paragraph now provides that “[i]f a single composite supply does not contain a principal component, the Tax treatment shall, generally, be applied based on the nature of the supply as a whole”.

This update aligns with the treatment provided under European VAT regarding a single composite supply consisting of components having “equal status” (CJEU, Bastova, Case C-432/15).

8. Government Buildings Exceptions

New Article 3(bis) UAE VAT ERs has been added, listing exceptions to supplies in case of transactions involving, respectively, 1) the grant or transfer of ownership or disposal of governmental buildings, real estate assets, and similar projects between governmental bodies and 2) the grant or transfer of the right to use, exploit, or utilise governmental buildings, real estate assets, and similar projects between governmental bodies.

Importantly, the new no-supply rules apply retrospectively, starting from 1 January 2023. The new article also provides a list of categories that should be considered governmental buildings, real estate assets, and other projects of a similar kind.

It is not immediately clear which specific provision under the UAE VAT Law or the GCC Agreement this new article intends to implement.

9. Exceptions Related to Deemed Supplies

As an exception to the application of provisions concerning deemed supplies, Article 5 UAE VAT ERs now provides that if the value of the supply of goods to each recipient within a 12-month period does not exceed AED 500, then it is not a deemed supply. Reference to samples or commercial gifts has been removed from the text of Article 5 UAE VAT ERs, but it is still contained in Article 12(4) of the UAE VAT Law.

A deemed supply is also not triggered for supplies where the outstanding VAT amount does not exceed AED 250,000 (equal to supplies of up to AED 5M), provided the supplier and the recipient are government bodies or charities. Any excess amount is subject to VAT.

This update implements the exceptions from deemed supplies listed in Article 12(4) and (5) of the UAE VAT Law

10. Improved input VAT recovery methods for partially exempt businesses

Article 55 UAE VAT ERs introduces more flexibility for partially exempt businesses to determine a more suitable way of determining their input VAT recovery.

Partially exempt businesses may include financial institutions, real estate companies, and local transport companies.

Notably, the UAE suggests introducing a Singapore-inspired fixed recovery ratio to determine the input VAT recovery (although not sector-based). In this way, the UAE is making additional exceptions to its general input VAT recovery method without overhauling the standard procedure.


The UAE CIT Impact on Natural Persons

The UAE CIT Impact on Natural Persons

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Starting from financial years on or after June 1, 2023, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has implemented a Corporate Tax (CIT) as a strategic move to help the nation’s development as well as consolidate its position as a leading jurisdiction for business and investment. The implementation, administration, collection, and enforcement of the new CIT regime have been entrusted to the UAE Cabinet, Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Federal Tax Authority (FTA), which have issued various guidance on CIT provisions in the following months.

The UAE CIT Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses) provides the legislative basis for imposing a federal tax on corporations and business profits in the UAE. The CIT rate is set at 9%, the lowest within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. A 0% CIT rate is also available for Free Zone (FZ) Persons under certain conditions.Noteworthy, the UAE CIT applies not only to incorporated businesses but also to unincorporated businesses, including those operated by individuals, reflecting a comprehensive approach to CIT in the country.

We have already covered tax issues relating to natural persons extensively. We refer to the following resources for further information:

This article continues the analysis focusing on the UAE CIT implications for natural persons and discusses the applicable regulatory framework and compliance requirements.

UAE CIT and Natural Persons 

To ensure tax neutrality between incorporated and unincorporated forms of business in the country, the UAE CIT Law applies to both legal entities and individuals resident and carrying on a business in the UAE.

Certain types of income earned by natural persons are regarded as private (i.e., non-business) activities and, therefore, fall outside the scope of UAE CIT. These types of income are employment income, personal investment income, and real estate income, which will be discussed in more detail later in this article.

A natural person becomes a taxable person for UAE CIT purposes if the person conducts a Business or Business Activity in the UAE. More specifically, as soon as the total turnover of a natural person’s Business or Business Activity exceeds AED 1 million within a Gregorian calendar year (i.e., the solar year), the natural person is required to comply with the UAE CIT laws, register with the FTA, submit CIT returns and pay the tax due. On the other hand, if the total turnover from a business or business activities does not exceed AED 1 million, a natural person does not have to register for or pay CIT on their income.

It is important to highlight that natural persons can conduct a Business or Business Activity in the UAE via a sole establishment or a civil company. For UAE CIT purposes, these entities will be disregarded and treated as the natural person or persons owning them because of their direct relationship and control over the Business and their unlimited liability for the debts and other obligations of the Business.

Business and Business Activity under UAE CIT

As per Article 1 of UAE CIT Law, a “Business” is defined as any activity conducted regularly, on an ongoing and independent basis by any Person and in any location, such as industrial, commercial, agricultural, vocational, professional, service or excavation activities or any other activity related to the use of tangible or intangible properties. This definition has been borrowed from the UAE’s VAT law and is, therefore, broad.

Nevertheless, “ongoing” should not be understood in a way that excludes short-term activities. Short-term activities also fall within the scope of UAE CIT if they constitute a “transaction or activity, or series of transactions or series of activities”. Examples of activities by a natural person typically not considered a Business or Business Activity include lottery winnings or game show prizes. However, whether a Business is conducted on an ongoing basis needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

“Business Activity” is instead a term encompassing any transaction or activity, or series of transactions or series of activities conducted by a Person in the course of its Business, as defined above, which may be carried out entirely or partially within the UAE.

By default, all activities conducted and assets used or held by companies and other juridical persons are considered activities conducted and assets used or held for the purpose of a Business or Business Activity. For natural persons, instead, it is necessary to verify whether the activities conducted and assets used or held pertain to the business or private sphere since, as explained further below, non-business activities are excluded from the scope of UAE CIT.

Income Excluded from UAE CIT

As anticipated, income from specific activities like personal investments, real estate investments, or employment is not subject to UAE CIT for a natural person even if the AED 1 million threshold is exceeded, as these income items are not considered arising from a Business or Business Activity under UAE CIT Law. We discuss those further below

  1. Wage: As per the UAE CIT Law, salaries or any other form of remuneration received by a natural person as an employee from their employer does not fall within the scope of this tax. Therefore, if a natural person works in a company as an employee or also as a member of its board of directors (BoDs), both his salary for his executive role in the company and the fees received for attending board meetings in the company are considered as Wage and accordingly are not subject to UAE CIT.
  2. Personal Investment Income: If a natural person derives income from personal investments that he/she conducts for their personal account, it is not considered business income and, therefore, not subject to CIT. The exception to this is where the activity is conducted through a license or requires a license or where the activity is considered a commercial business in accordance with the commercial transactions law.
  3. Real Estate Investment Income: If a natural person derives income from real estate by directly or indirectly selling, leasing, sub-leasing and renting land or real estate property in the UAE, which does not require a License from the Licensing Authority, this income is not subject to UAE CIT. On the contrary, activities such as real estate management, construction, development, agency, and brokerage are treated as business activities that fall within the scope of UAE CIT.

UAE CIT Rate for Natural Persons

A Natural Person is subject to UAE CIT if, in a Gregorian year (i.e., the solar year), the person generates turnover exceeding AED 1 Million. As mentioned, the person is required to register for CIT purposes and subject to obligations under the UAE CIT Law. This person is then taxed on net income exceeding AED 375,000. If the Taxable Income is below AED 375,000, then the natural person will effectively be subject to a rate of 0% CIT.

A Natural Person may also be eligible for the so-called Small Business Relief (SBR) if the Revenue from the current and previous Tax Periods does not exceed AED 3 Million for each Tax Period. The Taxable Person will then be treated as having no Taxable Income in respect of each relevant Tax Period where the conditions of the SBR are satisfied. However, UAE CIT compliance obligations (e.g., filing a tax return) will still apply.

UAE CIT Deductions for Natural Persons

A natural person can deduct the following expenses for UAE CIT purposes:

  1. Interest Deduction: If an individual is subject to CIT, the General Interest Deduction Rule may apply to him/her. This rule limits interest deductions greater than AED 12,000,000 or 30% of taxable earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA).
  2. General Deduction relating to Business Expenditure: A business expenditure is deductible from UAE CIT liabilities if the expenditure incurred by the Natural Person is exclusively for the purposes of his/her business and is not capital in nature. Expenditures that are not incurred for the purposes of the Natural Person’s Business, not incurred in deriving Exempt Income and Losses that are not connected with the Natural Person’s Business are not deductible for UAE CIT purposes.

Non-Deductible Expenditure under UAE CIT

Certain expenditures cannot be deducted by a natural person for UAE CIT purposes. This includes:

  1. Amounts withdrawn by a Natural Person from his/her business: The amounts withdrawn by a Natural Person from his/her own business, even if described as Wage or Salary, cannot be deducted for UAE CIT purposes. When a Natural Person operates a Sole Proprietorship business in UAE and withdraws money from the business and records it as Annual Salary cost, the Natural Person is not eligible for UAE CIT deduction as both the Natural Person and Sole Proprietorship are considered as the same taxable person even if the salary was deducted at arm’s length principle.
  2. Transactions with Connected Persons to Natural Persons and Related Parties: To be deductible under UAE CIT, the transactions of a Natural Person with a Connected Person have to follow the arm’s length principle. Also, the application of the arm’s length principle requires the results of transactions or arrangements between Related Parties to be consistent with the results that would have been realised if the transactions or arrangements were conducted with Non-Related Parties. Natural Persons are also considered to be Related Parties if their Relationship is of kinship or affiliation, including by way of adoption or guardianship. A Natural Person’s relationship with a Juridical Person is based on Ownership and Control. Partners of an unincorporated partnership are considered Related Parties due to the partner’s shared control over the business of the partnership.

UAE CIT Compliance for Natural Persons

  1. Tax Registration: All Natural Persons who are subject to UAE CIT by conducting Business or Business Activities in the UAE are required to register for UAE CIT purposes when the total turnover from conducting the Business or Business Activities exceeds the AED 1 Million threshold within a Gregorian calendar year. If a Natural Person conducts a new Business or Business Activity after their Initial Tax Registration, the same Tax Registration Number (TRN) will be utilised for the activities, and the Natural Person will not be required to register again with the FTA for UAE CIT purposes. Also, if a Natural Person who has registered for UAE CIT with FTA finds that his/her Turnover does not exceed the AED 1 million threshold, he/she will still retain their Tax Registration status, but they will not be permitted to deregister from UAE CIT unless they have ceased conducting their Business or Business Activities.
  2. Tax Deregistration: A Natural Person can file for Tax Deregistration Application with the FTA in the case of cessation of Business or Business Activity, whether by Dissolution, Liquidation or otherwise. When a Natural Person conducting the Business or Business Activity passes away, he/she is no longer considered as a Taxable Person. All outstanding UAE CIT liabilities must be settled as per the Tax Procedures Law. Unless a clearance certificate from the FTA has been obtained, the heirs and legatees are required to settle the outstanding tax liability.
  3. Tax Period: The Gregorian Calendar, which runs from 1 January until 31 December, is the Tax Period for which the Natural Person who conducts a Business or Business Activity is subject to UAE CIT.
  4. Accounting Standards and Financial Statements: A Natural Person should prepare standalone Financial Statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). If the Turnover does not exceed AED 50 million, the Natural Person may apply the IFRS for small and medium-sized (SME) industries. If the Turnover of the Natural Person does not exceed AED 3 million, the Natural Person may prepare the Financial Statements using the Cash Basis of Accounting. If the Natural Person derives a Turnover which exceeds AED 50 million, the Natural Person must prepare and maintain audited Financial Statements for the relevant Tax Periods.
  5. Tax Return: A Natural Person who is a Taxable Person must file his/her CIT Return to the FTA no later than 9 months from the end of the relevant Tax Period. Natural Persons are required to submit a single Tax Return for all their Business and Business Activities, which are subject to CIT.
Tax Updates

Tax Planning Strategies for Individual Business Owners in the UAE

Tax Planning Strategies for Individual Business Owners in the UAE

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Starting June 2023, businesses in the UAE are subject to Corporate Income Tax (CIT). UAE CIT applies at the rate of 9% or 0% on Qualifying Income if businesses are Qualifying Free Zone Persons (QFZPs) and provided other criteria relating to the activity carried out are fulfilled. A UAE business may also be liable to a Top-up Tax if it qualifies as a Multinational Enterprise (MNE) under the OECD Pillar 2 Solution once a Cabinet Decision is issued to confirm the entry of force in the UAE of the GloBE rules (the Ministry of Finance (MoF) launched a Public Consultation on Implementation of Global Minimum Tax in the UAE in March-April 2024).

Natural persons, i.e., any individual endowed with legal capacity, do not generally fall into the scope of UAE CIT. This is because income from Employment (Wages), Personal Investment, and Real Estate Investment are not taken into account for UAE CIT purposes. On the other hand, when natural persons conduct Business activity, they are fully in the scope of UAE CIT, but only if they earn revenues exceeding AED 1 million (approximately a bit more than USD 270,000) during a Gregorian calendar year. Excluded income (i.e., income from employment, personal investment, and real estate investment) is disregarded for the purpose of determining the AED 1 million turnover threshold, regardless of the amount.

Differences in the scope of UAE CIT Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses) for corporate and natural persons may create tax planning opportunities. For instance, untaxed income at the level of natural persons generally constitutes a taxable expense at the level of the corporation. Tax benefits may arise from the combination of deduction and non-inclusion of the same income item from the scope of UAE CIT. Nonetheless, such a tax planning strategy is open only to individual shareholders of corporations, given that they are the ones having more control over a company’s expenses.

In this article, we will discuss various tax planning strategies for individual shareholders. This description is, however, not exhaustive since many other opportunities to reduce taxable income exist which would not benefit individual shareholders. One such example is making a donation to a Qualifying Public Benefit Entity (QPBE) as defined by Article 9 of UAE CIT Law (e.g., a museum), which is tax deductible.

In the following, we will also explore the safeguards the UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has put in place to counter the potential abuse of UAE CIT rules. However, we will not delve into structuring opportunities for private wealth benefiting future generations, such as (family) foundations, trusts, or other structures.

1. Salary & Bonuses

The most obvious tax planning strategy is to enter into an employment agreement with a privately held entity. The natural person who does so can derive compensation from the company in the form of wages.

In the FTA Guide on Natural Person (CTGTNP1), “wage” is defined as “the wage that is given to the employee in consideration of their services under the employment contract, whether in cash or in kind, payable annually, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, or by piece-meal, and includes all allowances, and bonuses in addition to any other benefits provided for, in the employment contract or in accordance with the applicable legislation in the State”. To meet this definition and be considered a “wage” for UAE CIT purposes, it is therefore important that an employment contract has been concluded and a policy around additional allowances has been established.

According to the FTA, employee costs are generally considered to be wholly and exclusively incurred for Business purposes, provided they are not excessive (section 4.5.2 of the FTA Guide on Determination of Taxable Income, CTGDTI1). Employment-related expenditures also need to meet the arm’s length standard where employees are Related Parties or Connected Persons.

As such, it is not relevant whether an employee is paid wholly in cash or also receives other benefits, such as a car for personal use. In this situation, personal use should be viewed in the same way as the employee spending their cash salary on items for their personal benefit. The same applies to other benefits, such as medical insurance or a flight allowance (also for spouse and children). In other words, the cost is wholly and exclusively for Business purposes as rewarding employees is wholly a Business purpose. The rationale applied here is similar to that followed for entertainment expenditures under Article 32 of UAE CIT Law.

Based on this scenario, the UAE company would benefit from claiming a tax deduction for the salary paid and benefits granted. At the same time, for the individual, the wages received are not considered business income and, hence, neither are subject to CIT.

The value of any payments or benefits is, however, limited by the “connected person” concept, defined in Article 36(2) of the UAE CIT Law as any person affiliated with a taxable person. Shareholders, directors and managers of companies are considered connected persons, and they need to justify the market value of the payments and benefits they receive in order for them to be tax deductible. The market value is the price that can be agreed upon in an arm’s length free market transaction. A payment or benefit provided by a taxable person to a connected person is deductible only if and to the extent the payment or benefit corresponds with the market value of the benefit and is incurred for business purposes. Connected persons are the owner, a director or officer, or a related party of the owner, director or officer. A director or officer could be the Managing Director of an LLC (section 6.6.3. of the FTA’s General Corporate Tax Guide, CTGGCT1).

According to Article 35(1)(a) of the UAE CIT Law, a related party can be a natural person within the fourth degree of kinship or affiliation, including by way of adoption or guardianship (detailed provisions to calculate the degree of kinship are laid down in section 4.4.1. of the FTA’s Guide on Natural Person, CTGTNP1). Such a related party could be, for instance, the son of the LLC owner (section 6.6.3. of the FTA’s General Corporate Tax Guide, CTGGCT1).

An owner is any natural person who directly or indirectly possesses an ownership interest in the taxable person or controls such taxable person. Under Article 35(2) of the UAE CIT Law, “control” is defined as “the ability of a person, whether in their own right or by agreement or otherwise to influence another person”. In this regard, the FTA gives the example of an individual owner of an LLC (section 6.6.3. of the FTA’s General Corporate Tax Guide, CTGGCT1).

Certain exceptions apply, which are motivated by the transparency of salaries and presumed oversight by regulators or shareholders, as they are, in principle, capable of limiting the payments and benefits unduly granted. Notably, Article 36(6) of the UAE CIT Law excludes the application of the “connected persons” concept to taxable persons whose shares are traded on a recognized stock exchange (a UAE-licensed and regulated stock exchange or foreign stock exchange of equal standing), or taxable persons subject to the regulatory oversight of a competent authority in the UAE. The UAE Federal Cabinet can further provide for additional exceptions.

2. End-of-Service Benefit (“EOSB”)

This opportunity relates to the creation of provisions for the purposes of EOSB under UAE labor law. The FTA considers that if a provision is created in the financial statements and this is done in accordance with the applicable accounting standards (IFRS or IFRS for SMEs), the provision will be allowed as a deduction as long as it satisfies the overall requirements for deductibility of expenses.

UAE auditors have historically often taken the position that EOS obligations do not apply to shareholders working in companies and having an employment contract when those shareholders are expatriate employees. Labor lawyers dispute this position. Individuals can hold a dual role within the business, i.e., shareholder and employee. Where there is an employment contract, the EOS obligations apply. Thus, shareholders who have historically not accrued EOSB can do so. If this is solely an accrual, it would create an expense for the company under the principles explained above.

Further, companies may consider removing the EOS accrual from their books by paying the equivalent amount into a private pension fund as determined in Ministerial Decision No. 115 of 2023. As long as the shareholder’s contribution does not exceed 15% of the employee’s total remuneration for the tax period, the expense should be deductible from UAE CIT income. However, it is unclear whether the expense would be deductible if it related to EOS accrued before the application of UAE CIT to the corporation.

3. Director Fees

Individuals acting as directors for a company could also derive director fees from such companies, which would be tax-exempt for such individuals. Director fees received by an individual are not, in fact, considered business income but are generally treated as wages and, hence, are not subject to CIT (section 3.8.1. of the FTA’s Guide on Natural Person, CTGTNP1). On the other hand, directors are considered connected persons and also need to comply with the abovementioned principles as laid down under point 1 of this article.

4. Interest Income

Generally speaking, provided the general interest deduction limitation conditions under Article 30 of UAE CIT Law are met, the interest is tax deductible at the corporate level and goes untaxed at the level of the natural person if considered personal investment income.

In the FTA Guide on Natural Person (CTGTNP1), “personal investment” is defined as “Investment activity that a natural person conducts for their personal account that is neither conducted through a Licence or requiring a Licence from a Licensing Authority in the UAE, nor considered as a commercial business in accordance with the Federal Decree-Law No. 50 of 2022 issuing the Commercial Transactions Law”.

Notably, a company can deduct up to AED 12 million or 30% of adjusted EBITDA without limiting the interest charge. Even if the interest is not deductible, it can be carried forward for up to 10 years. When capitalizing a company for financing purposes, the shareholder can notably consider providing financing to the company through a shareholder loan rather than adding additional equity to the company (which does not generate a tax deduction). The UAE regulates financing activities. However, we assume that limited financing activities to a company owned by the shareholder would not require regulation.

5. Renting or selling commercial space to the company

As stated, “real estate investment” income is disregarded for UAE CIT purposes. In the FTA’s Guide on Natural Person (CTGTNP1), “real estate investment” is defined as “Any investment activity conducted by a natural person related to, directly or indirectly, the sale, leasing, sub-leasing, and renting of land or real estate property in the UAE that is not conducted, or does not require to be conducted through a Licence from a Licensing Authority”.

Taking such an exclusion into account, shareholders who own commercial real estate (office, warehouse, etc.) may consider renting it to their own company or the legal entity they control. The income from the rent will be untaxed in the shareholder’s hands as real estate investment income while being deductible for UAE CIT purposes at the corporate level.

In the alternative, the shareholder may consider selling commercial real estate (office, warehouse, etc.) to his own or a controlled company. The sale would go untaxed as regarded as real estate investment income, and the asset may generate a tax-deductible expense through depreciation. Capital appreciation, however, may impact the company’s future taxable profits.

6. Lease or rent any assets to the company

As long as the income from leasing or renting the assets is not higher than AED 1 million, the lease or rent would be untaxed in the hands of the natural person shareholder while constituting a tax-deductible expense in the hands of the company.

An example of that effect could be a company using trucks, which it rents from its shareholder, who is a natural person. The company will need to identify whether the operation potentially qualifies as the acquisition of an asset by the company, and, therefore, the asset needs to be depreciated rather than a deduction of expenses to be taken.

It is also possible for an individual to conduct a personal investment activity towards his own or a controlled company. For example, an individual shareholder may decide to sell or rent out an artwork to his own or controlled company. The sale or rent would be untaxed in the hands of the natural person shareholder while constituting a tax-deductible expense in the hands of the company.

It is recommended that proper documentation be prepared for the above transactions and that they be conducted at arm’s length between connected persons.

Moreover, it should be noted that all these tax planning strategies are subject to the scrutiny of the General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR) laid down in Article 50 of the UAE CIT Law. This GAAR endows the FTA with the power to counteract or adjust tax advantages obtained by taxpayers – both companies and individuals – in an abusive manner. As described by the Explanatory Guide on UAE CIT of May 2023, this occurs when taxpayers seek to reduce their tax liabilities in a way that is not consistent with the original intent and purpose of the law whilst still complying with the letter of the law. The test is whether it can be reasonably concluded that the taxpayer entered into the transactions and arrangements without a valid commercial reason and that its main purpose was to obtain a tax advantage that was not consistent with the intention of UAE CIT Law. To this end, all the relevant circumstances of the case must be examined.

Finally, it must also be considered that if the legal entity qualifies as a QFZP, the above strategies are less important, given that the tax-deductible expense reduces the tax liability to 0. However, they may still be important if there is a risk that the QFZP may be disqualified. As to companies falling into the scope of Pillar 2, the deduction would reduce GloBE income and, therefore, also the base on which the Top-up Tax is calculated. However, there are unlikely to be many privately held companies that are also within the scope of Pillar 2.

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Ramadan Generosity Generates Tax Revenue

Ramadan Generosity Generates Tax Revenue

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The Holy Month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar Muslims worldwide observe it as a month of fasting, prayer, self-reflection, and enhanced community spirit. The annual observance of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam.  

Ramadan is regarded as a time of piety, charity, and blessings. Charities and foundations are noticeably more active during the Holy Month, providing assistance to those in need. In a spirit of generosity, meals are provided at mosques, malls, and other public places. 


Businesses see the Holy Month of Ramadan as an opportunity to enable generosity by organizing sales and offering promotions, deals, discounts, gifts and benefits of all kinds. For example, companies may offer “buy one, get one free” or “two for the price of one” promotions, or other combined offers where certain products are offered for free or at a reduced price when bought together with another product (e.g., receiving one year of car insurance free of charge when purchasing a new car).

Traditionally, businesses also celebrate the Holy month by hosting Iftar parties, handing out Iftar snack boxes, or giving gifts in cash or in kind during Eid al Fitr, the religious feast marking the end of Ramadan.

This article discusses how to deal with UAE value-added tax (VAT) and Corporate Taxation (CIT) while maintaining the spirit of generosity embedded in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Is There No Such Thing as a Free Lunch, Really?

Arguably, VAT does not like free items. It taxes so-called deemed supplies, where businesses give things away for free for which it previously deducted input VAT. However, not all free supplies are necessarily deemed supplies. Even though both look similar, i.e. a third party seemingly receives something without paying for it, only free supplies that are also deemed supplies carry VAT consequences.

As part of strategy to increase its sales and market share, a business may offer a customer a free item. For example, a supermarket could offer a “buy one, get one” formula for shampoo bottles. Although it provides the second bottle for free, the customer actually pays a lower price for two bottles. Therefore, this situation is not a deemed supply but rather a joint offer. In this case, the consideration paid by the consumer for (allegedly) one item only (i.e., the first bottle of shampoo) constitutes the taxable amount for the overall bundle supply (i.e., the two bottles of shampoo).

The same reasoning, also in terms of taxable amount determination, holds for promotional discounts, such as businesses slashing their prices by 50% during Ramadan. In this case, as in the previous situation, a business is not offering half of the product for free but rather a price discount. The discounted price reduces the taxable amount of the overall bundle supply.

A business might also consider giving a different item in addition to the item bought. For instance, upon purchase of an electric toothbrush, the seller can offer two free tubes of toothpaste. Although the item is given for free, such a “free supply” is still not a deemed supply. This is because the free item is given with the objective of increasing sales of the main item and should be considered ancillary to it. Similarly, such promotional offers and discounts can be claimed as deductible expenditures from a CIT perspective, given that such expenses are incurred wholly and exclusively for business purposes to promote products or services.

It is very different when a grocery store decides to donate food supplies to a shelter or to allow all employees to pick an item from its stock for Ramadan. Those constitute deemed supplies, and they are liable to VAT needs. This means that VAT on these deemed supplies constitutes a cost for the business since it is giving the items for free. 

On the other hand, if employers know upon purchase that they are purchasing items not intended for taxable supplies, they cannot recover the input VAT (and the subject of the deemed supplies is not even on the table).

The business making the deemed supplies needs to issue a tax invoice for the deemed supply and, ideally, deliver it to the recipient. The VAT on the tax invoice is not deductible in the recipient’s hands.

In the UAE, the taxable value of deemed supplies is its cost. This constitutes the taxable basis on which VAT should be accounted for.

However, even though a supply may constitute a deemed supply, two thresholds apply. If a business stays below the thresholds, it can continue to recover the input VAT and does not have to account for VAT on the deemed supply.

There are two thresholds which apply alternatively:

  • The output tax chargeable on all deemed supplies should not exceed AED 2,000 in a 12-month period (i.e., AED 40,000 of costs VAT exclusive), and;
  • The value per person does not exceed AED 500 in a 12-month period (i.e., AED 10,000 of costs VAT exclusive), and it concerns samples or commercial gifts. 

Fulfillment of one of these two thresholds allow businesses to occasionally provide small benefits or gifts to their employees and third parties without incurring VAT liabilities.

Given that these thresholds are very low, a business will easily exceed them. Considering the substantial administrative burden of monitoring the thresholds and implementing a process, a business could find it more practical to ignore the thresholds and always account for output VAT on the deemed supplies. That is also what most informed businesses seem to do.

While UAE VAT generates tax revenue from gifting by creating a deeming fiction, from a CIT perspective, expenses incurred on account of donations, grants, or gifts are not allowed as deductible expenditures when paid to a person who is not a Qualified Public Benefit Entity (“QPBE”). Where they are disallowed, they are added back and subject to UAE CIT.

UAE CIT legislation allows tax deductions for employment remuneration and any perquisites attached to the employment contract. Nevertheless, gifts given to employees that relate wholly or exclusively to the business but are not in accordance with the employment contract are not allowed.

Presently, the UAE CT Law and other domestic guidances released by the Federal Tax Authority do not clarify the deductibility of expenses for festive gifting to employees. Nonetheless, on the combined reading of the deductibility and non-deductibility rules, we are of the view that such expenses are unlikely to relate to the business fully. According to the UAE CT Law (Article 28, 2, d), the Federal Cabinet would further issue a decision to specifically list types of expenditure which are not deductible. We would additionally expect the FTA to issue guidance on the matter.

On the other hand, donations shall be allowed as a deductible expenditure when made to a QPBE. This is to encourage social and public welfare activities that are subject to regulatory oversight in the UAE. The clear distinction between the recipients of the donations, grants, or gifts makes it easier for tax authorities to administer the deductibility of expenses, incentivizing payments to specifically listed charities. We do, however, expect regular sponsorships to be deductible even when made to non-QPBE.

Entertainment and Personal Expenses Incurred during Ramadan 

VAT is only recoverable when it is paid for goods and services bought to make taxable supplies. However, even though a business may exclusively make taxable supplies, there may still be expenses which are non-recoverable.

When an employer buys items and gives them to its employees for no charge and for their personal benefit, the employer cannot recover the input VAT. For example, if the employer decides to purchase chocolate dates for Ramadan to give to its employees, the input VAT paid is irrecoverable.

The same holds for so-called “entertainment expenses”. Entertainment services are “hospitality of any kind”. This includes hotel stays, food and drinks, tickets for shows and events and trips for entertainment. Therefore, if a business organizes an Iftar for its employees and for third parties, the input VAT is not deductible. Even though the event is held with the objective of improving social cohesion amongst the team and general ambience, indirectly increasing sales, and, therefore, having a clear business purpose, it is considered an entertainment expense.

However, a Public Clarification published by the Federal Tax Authority confirmed that VAT on certain entertainment costs is recoverable when used for a genuine business purpose, or when incidental to a business purpose. Notably, VAT on food and drinks provided during a business meeting, is recoverable, if:

  • The hospitality is provided at the same venue as the meeting;
  • When the meeting is interrupted, it is only by a short break for the provision of hospitality and then resumes as normal (e.g., a lunch break);
  • The cost per head of providing hospitality does not exceed any internal policy the business has established; 
  • The food and beverages provided are not accompanied by any form of entertainment (e.g., a motivational speaker, a live band, etc.).

On the other hand, where the hospitality provided becomes an end in itself and is the reason for attending an event, it will be considered entertainment costs, and, thus, input VAT paid is not recoverable. In other words, if the staff comes for the party or the TED talk, the business will not be able to recover the input VAT. If the gathering is serious business, the input VAT will be recoverable.

Similar to UAE VAT Law, entertainment from a CIT perspective includes meals, accommodation, transportation, admission fees, facilities and equipment used for entertainment, and expenses for amusement.

From a CIT perspective, entertainment expenses incurred for a taxable person’s customers, shareholders, suppliers or other business partners are restricted to 50%. Given that entertainment expenses have a private element attached to them, which may be difficult to estimate and apportion, the UAE CIT legislation straightway disallows 50% of such costs.

While the current guidelines explain the policy objective of limiting the deductibility of expenses, citing personal consumption, it also states that staff entertainment expenses are fully deductible if incurred for “business purposes”.

There may also be instances where personal non-business expenses form part of the entertainment expenses. Should this be the case, it is important to identify entertainment expenses that relate to the business activity and only allow 50% of such identified portion.

For example, a family-owned company owns a box at the football stadium that is used for a client’s entertainment. Thus, any expenses incurred for client entertainment shall be allowed to the extent of 50% of such expenditure. Conversely, if the shareholder’s family uses such a box, the entire expenditure will be disallowed since it is personal in nature.


Although charities mostly carry out transactions that are outside the scope of VAT, given that, for the most part, they do not charge any consideration, they may still occasionally render taxable supplies and, therefore, incur certain VAT liabilities, starting from the obligation to register for VAT purposes. 

Charities mainly receive their income from subsidies or donations, which are outside the scope of VAT. Occasionally, they may provide sponsoring opportunities to businesses, which are subject to VAT.

Under normal VAT recovery rules, input tax is only recoverable to the extent it relates to taxable supplies. In most cases, charities will be required to allocate and apportion VAT recovery between taxable activities (recoverable) and non-taxable activities or exempt activities (non-recoverable). Therefore, the input VAT recovery may prove to be quite complex.

A special refund scheme applies to so-called Designated Charities which meet the criteria set by the UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA).

Similar to UAE VAT legislation, charitable organizations carrying out social, cultural, religious, or other public benefit activities without the motive for profit distribution will be exempt from CIT subject to certain conditions. Additionally, to achieve the exemption status, such organizations should apply to the local or Federal Government entity with which they are registered for it to be listed in the UAE Cabinet Decision.

Accordingly, such organizations shall be exempt from CIT from the beginning of the tax period in which it is included in the relevant Decision. The UAE CIT legislation uses the term “Qualifying Public Benefit Entity” (QPBE) for such organizations.

The conditions to be fulfilled by a QPBE to be exempt from CIT include:

  • It is established and operated for any of the following:
    • Exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic, educational, healthcare, environmental, humanitarian, animal protection, or other similar purposes.
    • As a professional entity, a chamber of commerce, or a similar entity operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare or public benefit.
  • It does not conduct a Business or Business Activity, except for such activities that directly relate to or are aimed at fulfilling the purpose for which the entity was established.
  • Its income or assets are used exclusively in the furtherance of the purpose for which it was established, or for the payment of any associated necessary and reasonable expenditure incurred.
  • No part of its income or assets is payable to, or otherwise available, for the personal benefit of any shareholder, member, trustee, founder, or settlor that is not itself a Qualifying Public Benefit Entity, Government Entity, or Government Controlled Entity.
  • Any other conditions as may be prescribed in a decision issued by the Cabinet at the suggestion of the Minister.

As such, a QPBE should not conduct business or business activity unless the same is aimed at the purpose for which it is established. That is, it may carry out commercial activities as long as the objectives of the organization are met and any additional surplus is not distributed as dividends or any other benefit. For instance, the following shall not be construed as commercial activities:

  • Organizing events such as gala dinners to raise funds.
  • The sale of admission tickets by a museum.
  • Or the sale of refreshments in the canteen of a sports club.

As stated above, on meeting the above conditions, a Qualifying Public Benefit Entity will be an exempt person and thus will not be subject to corporate tax in the UAE, and any payments made to such organizations will be available for tax deduction for the payor.


The Holy Month of Ramadan triggers several tax consequences for businesses.

First, businesses making sales promotions are required to examine the tax consequences of these sales promotions.

Businesses may also not be allowed to recover input VAT on certain purchases or will be liable for VAT on a deemed supply when providing employees with entertainment or gifts.

Similarly, for CIT purposes, it is pertinent to segregate business expenses, entertainment expenses, and non-business-related expenses to assess the amount of tax deductible. 

Charitable organizations should evaluate whether they qualify as exempt persons from the perspective of CIT and evaluate the VAT implications in a time-bound manner.

Given the very strict penalty framework, it is important to be aware of the VAT/CIT consequences of these activities and take action in this regard to avoid any claims or penalties. 

Public Consultation

Aurifer’s reply to the Public Consultation initiated by the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF)

Aurifer’s reply to the Public Consultation initiated by the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF)

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This is Aurifer’s reply to the Public Consultation initiated by the UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF) regarding the implementation of potential measures favoring Research and Development (“R&D”) embedded in the UAE Corporate Income Tax framework.
The input we have shared is meant to assist the Ministry in considering certain positions, as well as best practices abroad.

Several of the questions in this public consultation are aimed at collecting information from businesses regarding their existing R&D activities and we are therefore ill suited to respond in our capacity as a tax consulting firm. As such, we have chosen to address some of the queries separately.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government is currently exploring the implementation of R&D tax incentives to promote innovation and further diversify the national economy. The proposed tax incentive under the UAE CIT law is considered an indirect instrument to support R&D to be developed in the UAE. The initiative fits into the wider policy of the UAE’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology which has made strengthening the UAE’s R&D ecosystem a crucial part of its strategic objectives to fortify the UAE’s position as a global leader in industries of the future.

A guidance paper was provided offering a comprehensive definition of R&D, which builds upon available OECD standards, specifically referencing the “Frascati Manual.” Notably, the guidance paper categorizes R&D into three primary types: 

• Basic Research: This includes theoretical and practical investigations aimed at broadening knowledge about phenomena without immediate commercial applications.
• Application-Oriented Research: This includes research that focuses on specific, practical aims to develop new products or services.
• Experimental Research: This involves the systematic exploration of past research and experiences to discover new knowledge that can lead to the creation or enhancement of products and processes.

From an economic perspective, the proposed tax incentives intend to encourage private sector investment in innovation, a key component for ensuring the UAE’s long-term economic resilience while enhancing its competitive stance on the global stage.

To this end, the guidance paper delineates a clear framework for eligibility. The eligibility seems to be suggested based on OECD standards. It would allow easier tracking of the development and investment in R&D, and easier reporting.

However, certain activities are not included. For example, routine engineering and quality control activities are not eligible, which may restrict the incentive’s applicability to some sectors, such as manufacturing. Certain scientific activities are also excluded.

MoF is considering basing its policy principles on this guidance. In this regard, while the Frascati Manual provides useful guidelines for the classification of R&D activities, the measurement of R&D expenditure etc, it is primarily aimed at the collection of statistics and does not provide clear guidance in the context of R&D tax incentives.

R&D Tax Credits are applicable in many other jurisdictions, and are a tool often used by governments to encourage investment in research. The OECD is currently tracking 43 R&D Tax Credit Regimes.

Some regimes and their description include:

– Ireland: 30% credit on R&D expenditures; Up to 32% credit of qualifying expenditure relating to digital game development.
– Belgium: part of the withholding required for Personal Income Tax purposes for specific profiles such as researchers is not required to be paid to the tax authority, and effectively results in a grant to the business employing the staff. This is referred to as the payroll withholding tax credit, although technically speaking it is not a credit.
– Australia has a tiered R&D tax credit, granting a higher tax credit for SMEs which can go up to 43.5%.
– France has amongst others accelerated depreciation for R&D Capital Assets (as do many other countries).

The successful implementation of R&D tax incentives will depend greatly on the simplicity of the application process and the efficiency of its administration. A cumbersome process could deter businesses from applying, undermining its effectiveness. We would recommend that the auditing process is not different from other aspects of the CIT law, however some aspects may require specialized input.

In relation to outsourcing arrangements, it is important to be conscious that R&D activities in practice often involve collaborations with other institutions or bodies. This can be done with the aim of benefitting from synergies and to avail of certain resources which might not be immediately available to all companies (particularly in the SME space). For example, start-ups may collaborate with universities that have better facilities, greater access to funding from the State etc.

As such, although the preference should always be for R&D activities to be conducted internally by the relevant applicant company or within the UAE, it is important to be cognizant of the realities of such arrangements and activities for certain organizations.

In this regard, the Irish R&D tax credit regime has a limitation on relief in scenarios where companies engage in outsourcing activities. The relief will be restricted to 15% of the expenditure incurred by the company itself on R&D activities or €100,000, whichever is the greater. This is subject to the company incurring at least the same level of expenditure on qualifying activity which it carries out itself. It is also worth noting that outsourcing is not permitted to connected persons i.e. related parties.

We would consider this to be a reasonable approach. However, it may be worth to consider the introduction of a slightly less restrictive provision in relation to outsourcing to ensure that there is sufficient uptake of the new R&D tax incentive. Following a period of assessment, the FTA can then assess whether the relevant thresholds or restriction percentages need to be modified accordingly.

In general, indirect costs would not be considered qualifying R&D expenditure unless they directly relate to the activity being undertaken. For example, any rent incurred on a lab facility being used to conduct R&D activities or the energy consumption required to perform the relevant activities. An advantage of allowing a certain allocation of indirect costs would be that it may offer a greater tax incentive for companies to establish their operations in the UAE. However, the allocation of indirect costs can often be an imprecise exercise which will depend on the relevant allocation key and could lead to manipulation by taxpayers in order to inflate the amount of qualifying expenditure.

If R&D tax incentives are implemented, we would recommend MoF and the FTA to develop guidelines around how to address cost sharing agreements with public and private authorities in the UAE. Such agreements are important in the UAE as much of the R&D activities in the UAE are initially driven by governmental initiatives.

The UAE may consider that its tax regime is already very attractive. At 9%, with multiple exemptions, it is already one of the most beneficial tax regimes in the world. Moreover, for Free Zone entities, the QFZP regime also has provided that income derived from the ownership or exploitation of intellectual property (potentially produced as a result of R&D) constitutes a qualifying activity, even granting an up-lift of 30% on qualifying expenditures.

The application of R&D tax incentives with respect to qualifying income from intellectual property would not lead to a reduction of the tax liability, but may be relevant, depending on the design for the non-qualifying income. The combination of a low rate and income from qualifying intellectual property being able to benefit from a more favorable regime in the free zones, already makes the UAE very attractive.

In the framework of Pillar Two, it is advisable that if R&D tax incentives are implemented, that they are structured as so-called Qualifying Refundable Tax Credits (“QRTC”), and that they are structured in such a way to have a positive effect on the Substance Based Income Exclusion (“SBIE”). For them to be considered “refundable”, according to the OECD’s Model Rules on Pillar 2, the refundable tax credit needs to be designed in a way such that it must be paid as cash or available as cash equivalents within four years from when a Constituent Entity satisfies the conditions for receiving the credit under the laws of the jurisdiction granting the credit.

The result of a tax credit being considered a QRTC is that it does not reduce the Covered Tax for the purposes of calculating the ETR of an in-scope Constituent Entity of an MNE under Pillar Two, contrary to a traditional tax credit. Rather, it will increase the denominator when calculating the ETR. It is therefore generally speaking more favorable. When a QRTC is granted for expenses which would increase the SBIE, which is a deduction from the excess profits subject to the topup tax based on a percentage granted on the value of qualifying tangible assets and payroll expenses, this would be seen as an additional advantage to taxpayers.

One of the few benefits in place under the GloBE rules is the application of the SBIE. The SBIE, when combined with QRTC’s which aim to reinforce the SBIE, is a recommended approach. While the availability of tax benefits impacting the tax liability as a regular tax credit is severely restricted, expenditure-based tax incentives that target payroll or tangible assets may be less affected than income-based tax incentives.

Although the above considerations need to be considered from an MNE perspective, it is also important to bear in mind that there is a rich ecosystem of start-ups engaging in R&D activities. As such, it may be worth allowing an option for taxpayers to elect either for their eligible R&D tax credit to be repaid in cash or cash equivalents (i.e. as a QRTC) or to request for it to be offset their tax liabilities (i.e. in a more traditional tax credit). This would allow greater flexibility and potential benefits for both categories of taxpayers.

Prepared by Thomas Vanhee ( and Liam Purcell (, on behalf of Aurifer.

UAE Corporate Income Tax

Family Foundations and UAE Corporate Income Tax

Family Foundations and UAE Corporate Income Tax

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In the evolving landscape of UAE Corporate Income Taxation (“UAE CIT”), the intricacies surrounding family foundations stand out as an area of significant interest as well as complexity.

Family foundations encounter a unique set of challenges and opportunities under the new UAE CIT regime. The introduction of CIT in the UAE highlighted the importance of not just succession planning but also tax planning and compliance management.


Effective tax planning and compliance, grounded in a deep understanding of the UAE CIT Law (“Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses”), is crucial for these entities to optimize their tax positions, avoid penalties and contribute to their long-term sustainability and growth.

This requires a strategic review of financial structures, operational practices, and investment strategies to align with the UAE CIT framework while achieving business objectives.

This article aims to delve into the nuances of family foundations as outlined in the UAE CIT Law and provide a thorough understanding of their tax treatment.

Family Foundations under UAE CIT Law

Family foundations hold a unique position in the UAE legal landscape, with specific provisions of UAE CIT Law applying to them. Understanding these provisions is key to navigating the wealth of tax obligations and benefits you can access using this type of structure.

Under the different UAE laws, multiple types of foundations and trusts exist. A foundation, generally a civil law concept, is, in principle, a type of structure with a legal personality. Being endowed with legal personality, it would be subject to UAE CIT if not for the special regime applicable to it under the UAE CIT Law.

Trusts are generally a common law concept and, in the UAE, also have legal personality when established under the UAE Trust Law (see Article (3) of that Law). The same holds for endowments under the UAE Endowments Law No (5) of 2018 (see Article (10)1 of that law), but not for trusts established in the Financial Free Zones.

Foundations have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Indeed, in the UAE, these vehicles are mainly used for succession planning and asset protection.

Tax Transparency of Family Foundations

Article 1 of the UAE CIT Law defines a family foundation as a foundation, trust, or similar entity. In other words, the family foundation as a concept under the UAE CIT law refers to a broader context than just foundations per se.

These entities are established with the primary aim of benefiting identifiable natural persons or public benefit entities. The beneficiaries need to be identified or identifiable (e.g., distant relatives, friends, or future offspring). Their core activities consist of managing assets or funds related to savings or investments.

The key provision is Article 17 of UAE CIT Law, which allows family foundations to be treated as unincorporated partnerships and, hence, not be subject to UAE CIT. Following the application of these provisions, family foundations are, therefore, transparent for tax purposes. This means that any potential taxation shifts a level, in this case, to the family foundation’s beneficiaries.

Several conditions need to be met for a family foundation to be treated as a fiscally transparent entity. From an administrative point of view, an application to that effect must be filed with the UAE Federal Tax Authority (“UAE FTA”).

A family foundation seeking to be treated as fiscally transparent is not permitted to undertake activities that would have constituted a business activity within the meaning of the UAE CIT Law if the activity had been undertaken or the assets held by the founder, settlor or any of the beneficiaries of the structure. In this regard, in general, the constitutional documents of the family foundation outline the objectives of the vehicle. Those would normally not include commercial objectives.

This means that if the income was directly earned by natural persons, or the assets directly held by one of the above natural persons, the income would not fall inside the scope of UAE Corporate Income Tax. By reference to Article 11, 6 of the UAE CIT Law, Cabinet Decision No. 49 of 2023 states that employment income, real estate income and personal investment income earned (directly) by a natural person are not within the scope of UAE CIT and do not constitute business income. Real estate income and personal investment income are relevant for family foundations, employment income is not, as a legal person cannot have an employment contract.

The ensuing fiscal transparency also ensures a better alignment of UAE CIT with the neutrality of legal forms. Indeed, the possibility of family foundations being treated as fiscally transparent entities reflects the reality that individuals use those entities to manage their personal wealth and investments for a number of legitimate aims, such as asset protection, succession, and other reasons. The income from those assets would otherwise also not be liable under UAE CIT had it been earned directly by those individuals. The foundation, or the trust, comes with the added benefit of asset protection and succession planning.

Any potential capital gains realized by the family foundation, e.g. through the sale of shares or real estate assets, would also likely not be considered taxable at the family foundation level. This point is, however, unclear, and no guidance exists to confirm it. Equally, in regard to the accumulation of assets, guidance is lacking, but it is assumed by the authors it also benefits from the transparency regime.

Another requirement is that the family foundation must not be set up for the main or principal purpose of avoiding UAE CIT. Given the tax neutrality achieved by a family foundation under the UAE CIT Law, the structure is treated as a pass-through, so there would not necessarily be any possibility for the avoidance of taxes.

Common Family Foundation Structures

A UAE resident individual wishes to preserve their assets for succession planning and contributes his Dubai real estate assets to the family foundation, as well as the shares held in the top holding company of a large, diversified group. The individual has fallen out with certain kids. He instead wants to favor other kids in terms of succession while avoiding inheritance disputes. Therefore, the individual contributes the shares held in the Holding Co and settles a concessionary rate to the Dubai Land Department for the transfer of the real estate assets into the Foundation. This situation is depicted below.

Payments to Beneficiaries

While not explicitly stated in the UAE legislation, payments made to beneficiaries fall under the general rules. Given that the family foundation is fiscally transparent, the tax regime needs to be analyzed at the beneficiaries’ level.

While not made explicit, we would expect that given the income earned is outside of the scope of UAE CIT, based on the exclusion under the abovementioned Cabinet Decision No. 49 of 2023, there would be no UAE CIT applicable.

If the beneficiaries are not UAE tax residents, however, the tax regime applicable to the payments made to the beneficiaries will depend on the tax regime applicable in the country where the beneficiaries are tax residents.

Disqualified Family Foundations

Disqualified family foundations, because they conduct commercial activities, would not benefit from tax transparency for family foundations. Foundations are legal entities and therefore when disqualified they would be taxed as normal legal persons. As to trusts, this would depend on their legal status, as they may not have legal personality.

UAE VAT Obligations of Family Foundations

VAT and UAE CIT operate under different definitions. Therefore, it is perfectly foreseeable for a family foundation to have no corporate tax liabilities but encounter VAT liabilities.

For example, if it owns rented commercial real estate and its turnover exceeds the Mandatory Registration Threshold of AED 375,000, the family foundation is required to register for VAT purposes.

Substance for Family Foundations

Under the UAE’s Economic Substance Regulations (“ESR”), licensees earning relevant income are subject to substance requirements, which may entail the obligation for these entities to file a notification and report.

According to the UAE MoF’s FAQs, however, a “trust” or a “foundation” would generally not be considered a licensee. Some foundations may, however, be considered a “Holding Company Business” given that they hold shares and earn passive income. As such, they are subject to substance requirements, which may be limited, as substance requirements for holding companies are reduced.

According to the UAE MoF, the ESR regime may soon be changed or repealed. 

Family Foundations and International Tax

In this regard, MOF FAQ No. 107 states: “Further information on the transition from the existing Economic Substance Regulations after the UAE Corporate Tax regime comes into effect and any substance related reporting and compliance obligations for Qualifying Free Zone Persons will be provided in due course.”

Complications arise when assets are held internationally, i.e., if a UAE family foundation keeps assets outside of the UAE territory.

When it comes to real estate assets abroad, they are traditionally agreed to be taxable in the country of situs or source, i.e., where the real estate asset is located. If the income from the real estate is taxable in the country of source, and there is a provision to avoid double taxation under UAE CIT Law or the relevant treaty, the taxes would not be creditable at the level of the family foundation, given that the family foundation is not liable to tax. The tax in the country of source would, therefore, constitute an unrelieved business cost. The beneficiaries also should not be in scope and, thus, would not be able to claim foreign tax credits.

The same situation applies to withholding taxes, which may constitute a pure deadweight cost for the family foundation.

Tax treaty entitlement of tax-transparent entities, such as foundations, is also not guaranteed. Only in 2017 was an additional provision added to Article 1 in both the OECD and UN Model (i.e., under Article 1,2) to confirm that tax-transparent entities can claim treaty benefits, subject to various conditions.

Public Consultation

Aurifer’s views on Pillar Two for the UAE

Aurifer’s views on Pillar Two for the UAE

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The UAE Pillar Two Public Consultation document was initially issued by the UAE Ministry of Finance as part of their groundwork for Pillar Two implementation. Aurifer has integrated its responses within the document and our firm views do not necessarily reflect the views of our clients, nor of the individuals employed by the firm. Access the document by clicking the “Subscribe and Download PDF.”

Tax Updates UAE Corporate Income Tax UAE Tax

Business Visitor VAT Refunds

Business Visitor VAT Refunds

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Check your business eligibility for foreign business refund via the Business Visitor Refund Scheme in the EU and GCC. Download our latest brochure here.

UAE Corporate Income Tax

Tax Groups under UAE Corporate Income Tax: What You Need to Know

Tax Groups under UAE Corporate Income Tax: What You Need to Know

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The UAE Corporate Income Tax in Articles 40-42 of the UAE Corporate Income Tax Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses) contains provisions on “Tax Groups”, i.e., the situation where two or more taxable persons are allowed to form a tax group and, therefore, be treated as a single taxable person for UAE CIT purposes.

Forming a tax group may benefit taxable persons from various perspectives, such as the possibility to offset income and losses between its members, tax neutralization of inter-group operations, or administrative advantages such as the ability to file a single tax return.

The UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has further commented on the tax group provisions under UAE CIT in the Corporate Tax (CIT) Guide on Tax Groups (CTGTGR1), issued on 8 January 2024. The FTA’s Guide is a valuable resource for taxable persons who are considering forming or entering into a tax group.

We analyze tax group provisions under UAE CIT, also in light of the latest indications contained in the FTA’s Guide, more in-depth below.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to form a tax group, the parent company must file an application before the FTA, where it needs to demonstrate that all of the following conditions are satisfied:

1. Members of the tax group are juridical persons

For a company to form or be part of a tax group, it must be a juridical person, i.e., an entity with a legal identity separate from its founders, like joint stock or limited liability companies. Accordingly, sole establishments run by individuals do not qualify due to the absence of legal personality. The FTA’s Guide clarifies that unincorporated partnerships, due to their lack of separate legal identity, are ineligible for tax grouping in the UAE, in contrast to incorporated partnerships.

The FTA’s Guide leaves the eligibility of foreign-incorporated partnerships managed in the UAE somewhat open to interpretation. Analyzing the relevant provisions of UAE CIT Law and the FTA’s interpretation of those criteria, it seems plausible that these foreign entities, if managed in the UAE and meeting specific legal entity criteria, might qualify for inclusion in a tax group.

On the other hand, it is settled that a juridical person within a fiscally transparent unincorporated partnership is eligible to join a tax group as a member (see our previous reports discussing UAE legal structures and partnerships here).

There is no limit to the number of members of a tax group. However, a juridical person can only be a member of one tax group at any given time. It is also not possible for a parent company to form or enter into multiple tax groups with different subsidiaries.

2. Members of the tax group are UAE residents

The condition of being resident in the UAE includes both entities incorporated in the UAE and foreign entities if effectively managed within the UAE.

However, residency eligibility extends only to entities recognized as UAE tax residents under applicable Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs). Consequently, a juridical person taxed as a resident in another country under such agreements is outright excluded from tax group membership.

DTAs typically set forth their own criteria determining tax residency and may have tie-breaker rules, or, usually, as a last resource to break the “tie”, MAP to determine in which jurisdiction a company is a resident. Tax residency under the relevant DTA is, therefore, critical for defining a company’s ultimate eligibility for inclusion in a tax group. A foreign company not classified as a UAE resident person is ineligible for tax group membership.

Last but not least, having a permanent establishment (PE) in the UAE does not, by itself, suffice for a foreign legal entity to qualify as a UAE resident since the residence criteria under Article 11(3) of UAE CIT Law are not met by a PE.

Embedded in this requirement is that for the purposes of forming a tax group, a UAE resident parent is required. In other words, a group which a foreign holding company holds cannot qualify (unless the foreign holding company is a tax resident in the UAE).

Illustrative example: resident subsidiaries of a foreign parent forming a tax group

Source: Corporate Tax (CIT) Guide on Tax Groups (CTGTGR1), p. 22


Company F (incorporated in and tax resident of a foreign country) holds 100% of the share capital of Company E, which in turn holds 100% of the share capital of Company A, Company B, and Company C. Company A, Company B, Company C and Company E are all incorporated and resident in the UAE for CIT purposes.

Assuming all other conditions to form a tax group are met, Company E, as a parent company, can apply to the FTA together with Company A, Company B, and Company C to form a tax group for UAE CIT purposes.

3. Parent company owns (in)directly at least 95% of the share capital of members of the tax group

Establishing a tax group in the UAE requires the parent company to own, directly or indirectly, at least 95% of the share capital in each subsidiary.

This threshold is key for including companies with minority shareholders, which might be essential due to legal requirements in company formation (e.g. a company type requires two shareholders and the company is incorporated with 99% of the shares held by the parent and 1% by another group company).

Share capital, defined as the nominal issued and paid-up capital, is crucial in determining shareholders’ rights like voting, profit distribution, and capital return.

The FTA’s Guide further elaborates on different types of share or capital and their impact on the formation and maintenance of a tax group according to UAE CIT Law. An important element to note in this regard is that the term “shares or capital” must be interpreted consistently with other provisions under UAE CIT Law and UAE Ministry of Finance (MoF)’s Implementing Decisions (in particular, Ministerial Decision No. 116 of 2023 on the Participation Exemption for the Purposes of Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses).

This would suggest an approach favouring a holistic interpretation of the UAE CIT provisions, opening up to cross-references to fill in possible legislative gaps under UAE CIT Law and implementing regulations.

Illustrative example: shares with a different nominal value

Company A (incorporated in and tax resident of the UAE) has issued two classes of shares to its shareholders:

Source: Corporate Tax (CIT) Guide on Tax Groups (CTGTGR1), p. 26


Company B holds 100% of Class 1 shares of Company A. Applying the formula above to Class 1 shares leads to the following result: 1,000 ÷ 2,000 × 100% = 50%.

As the number of shares held in Company A is weighted by reference to their nominal value, the share capital ownership condition is not met by Company B even though Company B has 100% of the Class 1 shares and 99% of the total number of shares.

As rights relating to the shares (such as voting rights and profit rights) are usually determined by reference to the nominal value, this provides a more realistic picture of the ownership stake in Company A.

4. Parent company owns (in)directly at least 95% of the voting rights of members of the tax group

To establish a tax group, the parent company needs to control a minimum of 95% of the voting rights in each subsidiary, counting both direct and indirect holdings. This voting rights condition is separate from share capital ownership and focuses on shareholder-approved matters.

While typically aligned with share capital, voting rights might differ due to share classes, restrictions or unique share types. Accordingly, the assessment of such a condition can produce different results than the share capital condition if restrictions on voting rights apply or if voting rights are not aligned with share capital ownership.

This occurs in the case of shares without voting rights or, on the contrary, carrying extraordinary voting rights. On the other hand, we note that eligibility under the voting rights condition is unaffected in case of vote agreements existing between shareholders or arrangements for a proxy vote.

5. Parent company is (in)directly entitled to at least 95% of each subsidiary’s profits and net assets

Establishing a tax group necessitates the parent company’s entitlement to at least 95% of a subsidiary’s profits and net assets, independently verified from share capital ownership.

This dual condition involves complex assessments, especially when diverse share classes or contractual arrangements exist that might skew the alignment between ownership percentages and economic entitlements.

To this end, the focus is on effective entitlement to profits and net assets. As such, the analysis of both conditions requires a nuanced understanding of legal and financial structures within the company, ensuring that even in the presence of varied share classes, shareholder agreements, nominee agreements or other types of agreements, the parent company maintains the requisite level of control over profits and net assets.

6. No member is an exempt person or QFZP

Tax grouping under UAE CIT specifies that exempt persons or Qualifying Free Zone Persons (QFZPs) are prevented from forming or joining a tax group.

This aligns with the principle of grouping entities having aligned tax obligations (see our previous reports discussing the UAE Free Zone Regime here). In other words, the UAE legislator metaphorically does not want to mix apples and oranges. This is common in other jurisdictions too. Doing otherwise, i.e., allowing tax grouping between members subject to a different tax regime would trigger considerable complexity.

However, a Free Zone Person who is not a QFZP can be part of a tax group if all the other conditions for forming or joining a tax group are met. A Free Zone Person may be a disqualified QFZP or may have opted out of the QFZP regime.

Therefore, being a legal entity established in one of the over 40 UAE Free Zones is not preclusive to tax group eligibility. It also follows that if a tax group member becomes an exempt person or non-electing QFZP, it must exit the tax group from the start of that tax period. Worth noting is that government entities, as exempt persons, cannot form or join tax groups, but their taxable subsidiaries can, under specific conditions. Furthermore, small business relief under Article 21 of UAE CIT Law applies to the tax group’s consolidated revenue, thus possibly affecting individual members’ eligibility for this relief.

7. Members of the tax group must have the same financial year

The financial year condition for tax groups in the UAE emphasizes uniformity in tax filing periods among all tax group members, aimed at simplifying tax administration and reducing the complexity of apportioning results.

This requirement implies that all members must align their financial year with the parent company, including newly incorporated entities wishing to join. Each legal entity can do this by making an application before the FTA before joining a tax group.

Moreover, should there be a need to change the financial year for any member, it must be coordinated across the entire tax group to maintain compliance. This underscores the importance of synchronization in financial reporting within tax groups, ensuring streamlined tax processes and adherence to regulatory requirements.

8. Members of the tax group must prepare their financial statements using the same accounting standards

The accounting standards condition for tax grouping in the UAE mandates not only uniformity in financial years but also in financial reporting. In this regard, it is a requirement that all tax group members use the same standards, typically International Financing Report Standards (IFRS) or IFRS for SMEs if revenue is below AED 50 million.

Financial alignment is meant to facilitate the preparation of consolidated financial statements for the entire tax group, which is crucial for determining taxable income.

In cases where individual members use different standards (e.g., AAOIFI accounting standards for Islamic Financial Institutions), they must align their practices before forming or joining a tax group. The emphasis on consistent accounting practices across the group enhances transparency and accuracy in financial reporting for tax purposes.

As the discussion above shows, establishing a tax group in the UAE is a multifaceted process that necessitates adherence to a series of detailed but also open-to-interpretation criteria.

Modifications to Tax Groups

The FTA’s Guide outlines various scenarios that can occur within a tax group, including formation, joining, leaving, changing the parent company, as well as cessation. The timing of these events is also dictated by the UAE CIT Law. We summarize these events relevant to the lifetime of a tax group under UAE CIT Law below.
The first relevant event relates to entering into a tax group. Joining a tax group involves a subsidiary applying with the parent company to the FTA, provided all the relevant conditions are met. The application submission also determines the tax period for joining. For newly incorporated entities, joining is possible from their incorporation date, either as a new subsidiary or a new parent company.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, there is exiting a tax group. Leaving a tax group occurs when a subsidiary either applies with the parent company for departure, no longer meets membership conditions, or ceases to exist due to business transfer. In cases of business transfer, tax implications of asset and liability transfers are considered, with exceptions for business restructuring relief or qualifying group relief.
Changing the parent company for tax group purposes requires an application to the FTA, ensuring the new parent meets all necessary conditions. This change can happen either through meeting the tax group conditions or as a universal legal successor following a merger or transfer.
We note that the compliance implications of all the changes above are significant. Notably, if a subsidiary does not continuously meet tax group conditions, it must file taxes separately and is liable for its own UAE CIT. Importantly, incorrect tax returns due to unrecognized changes in the tax group can lead to administrative penalties for both the departing entity and the remaining members of the tax group. These complexities highlight the importance of accurate and timely management of tax group status changes to avoid compliance issues and financial penalties. 

Deregistration and Cessation of a Tax Group

In essence, the formation or inclusion in a tax group does not necessitate the deregistration of its members, and these members are exempted from filing individual tax returns. A taxable person must apply for tax deregistration if they discontinue their business or business activity.

However, in a tax grouping setting, the cessation is evaluated based on the tax group’s overall activity. This means that if an individual member ceases its business, it does not mandate the deregistration of the entire tax group unless the group as a whole ceases its business activities.

When all members of a tax group cease their business activities, the parent company should request the dissolution of the tax group by applying before the FTA. This application should confirm that all outstanding CT liabilities and administrative penalties have been paid and that the tax group has filed all tax returns. Upon approval of this application, the FTA will deregister the Tax group for CIT purposes from the cessation date or another date set by the FTA.

Subsequently, each member of the dissolved tax group must individually apply for tax deregistration. The FTA’s Guide provides further details as regards the conditions for tax deregistration, including the dissolution of the tax group, a change in the parent company, or the cessation of a subsidiary within the tax group.

When a tax group applies for cessation through the parent company, this application also includes a request for the tax group’s deregistration for UAE CIT purposes. This does not necessarily trigger any consequences for VAT purposes, since tax grouping under UAE CIT is distinct from tax grouping under UAE VAT.

On the other hand, the tax group must confirm in this application that all corporate taxes and administrative penalties are cleared and all tax returns are filed for the FTA to proceed with deregistration. If a tax group ends because it no longer meets the necessary conditions, it must inform the FTA within 20 business days. This notification is also considered the same as a deregistration request. The tax group must state whether all taxes, penalties, and returns are addressed for the FTA to process deregistration.

Finally, in cases where a tax group has only two members, and one transfers its business to the other, resulting in its cessation, the tax group ends as of the transfer date. The remaining entity must notify the FTA within 20 business days of the effectuated transfer, and this notice is taken as a deregistration application. Similarly to other deregistration procedures, the tax group must confirm the payment of all taxes and penalties and the filing of returns for the FTA to proceed with deregistration. No separate application for business restructuring relief is needed in this scenario.

Conclusion and grouping as a planning tool

In conclusion, the ultimate decision to form or join a tax group under UAE CIT Law involves a balanced evaluation of envisaged tax advantages and disadvantages. It is crucial for MNEs operating in the UAE to ensure that all relevant factors are properly considered and that the decision on tax grouping aligns with the MNE’s overall strategic objectives.

Notably, tax grouping serves its best purpose when certain members of the group are loss-making entities. This is because, in a tax group setting, the losses of loss-making members of the tax group are offset immediately and in full against the profits of the profit-making members.

On a standalone basis, instead, losses can be carried forward and offset against 75% of future taxable income. On a standalone basis, losses can also be transferred between members of the same qualifying group (not tax group), which would require that members are 75% commonly held. A downside of forming a tax group is that the nil bracket up to AED 375,000 only applies once at the tax group level instead of multiple times at the individual member’s level.

Moreover, where administrative simplification may be touted for a group’s tax filing, it is not necessarily much simpler, given that a consolidation first needs to take place from an accounting and tax point of view. The filing itself (i.e. filing the numbers on the portal) is not in itself a very burdensome exercise.

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Key Developments in GCC International Tax Treaties – A 2023 Recap

Key Developments in GCC International Tax Treaties – A 2023 Recap

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UAE and Chile – Income Tax Treaty between Chile and the United Arab Emirates was effective on 1 January 2023.

UAE and Zambia – The UAE and Zambia tax treaty entered into force on 13 January 2023 and has been retrospectively effective since 1 January 2023. The withholding tax rates are 5% on Dividends, Interests, Royalties, and Technical Services.

UAE and Democratic Republic of Congo – As per the latest information provided in the August 2023 update by the UAE MoF, the Income Tax Treaty (2021) between Congo and the UAE became effective on 24 January 2023. This treaty will be applicable from 1 January 2024 for withholding and other taxes.


UAE and Gabon – The UAE and Gabon tax treaty entered into force on 16 February 2023 and was retrospectively effective from 1 January 2019. The withholding tax rates are 10% on Dividends and Royalties, 7% on Interests, and 7.5% on Technical and other Services.


UAE and Czech Republic – The Czech Republic and the UAE signed the Czech Republic – UAE Income Tax Treaty (2023). The signing was held in Prague on 24 May, marking a significant milestone in bilateral cooperation between the two nations.

UAE and Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat) – The Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat) approved the Protocol to the Switzerland – UAE Income Tax Treaty (2011) on 17 May 2023.


UAE and Cambodia – The third round of negotiations regarding a tax treaty between Cambodia and the United Arab Emirates took place on 21 August 2023. During this meeting, the representatives of both nations addressed all outstanding matters that were carried over from the previous round, which was held earlier on 11 April 2023, leading to an agreement on 30 of the 31 articles under discussion for the Tax Treaty


UAE and Ukraine – As of 19 October 2023, the amending Protocol of Ukraine – United Arab Emirates Income and Capital Tax Treaty (2003) has come into effect. The amending Protocol was signed on 14 February 2021 and will be applicable from 1 January 2024 for withholding and other taxes.

UAE and Tanzania – On 9 October 2023, the UAE Cabinet approved the income tax treaty with Tanzania, which was initially signed on 27 September 2022.


UAE and Ivory Coast – The tax treaty between the UAE and the Republic of Ivory Coast was originally signed on 25 November 2021. The UAE Cabinet granted its formal approval to this bilateral agreement on 4 September 2023.

UAE and Swiss National Assembly (Nationalrat) – The Swiss National Assembly (Nationalrat) has granted its approval to the amending Protocol signed on 5 November 2022, which pertains to the Switzerland and UAE Income Tax Treaty (2011). This Protocol, after endorsement by the Council of States (Ständerat), will proceed further in the legislative process.

UAE and Cuba – Cuba and the United Arab Emirates signed an Income Tax Treaty on 29 November 2023.



Qatar and Czech Republic – Czech Republic and Qatar signed an Income Tax Treaty on 21 June 2022, which became effective on 1 January 2023


Qatar and Guernsey – The Protocol to the Double Tax Treaty between Qatar and Guernsey entered into force as of 8 March 2023. The DTT was signed by the two countries back in 2013.


Qatar and Uzbekistan – Uzbekistan and Qatar signed an Income Tax Treaty on 6 June 2023.

Qatar and Ukraine – On 11 June 2023, the amending Protocol, which was signed on 2 September 2021 and pertains to the Qatar – Ukraine Income Tax Treaty (2018), became effective. The provisions of the Protocol concerning withholding and other taxes are typically applicable from 1 January 2024. Importantly, the Protocol has been integrated into the primary text of the Treaty.


Qatar and Saudi Arabia – On 31 October 2023, according to information published by the Saudi Arabian government,  the Saudi Arabian Council of Ministers authorized the negotiation and signing of an Income Tax Treaty with Qatar. The Tax Treaty to be negotiated, signed, and ratified by both contracting parties will be the first agreement of this kind between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Qatar and Egypt – On 19 October 2023, the President of Egypt signed Decree No. 254 of 2023, ratifying the Income Tax Treaty concluded with Qatar on 27 February 2023. The Decree was published in Egypt’s Official Gazette No. 42 on 19 October 2023. The DTT is not yet in force, pending ratification by Qatar.



Saudi Arabia and Morocco – The Income Tax Treaty between Morocco and Saudi Arabia was effective on 1 January 2023.

Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia signed an Income Tax Treaty on 26 January 2023.


Saudi Arabia and Slovakia – Saudi Arabia and the Slovak Republic formally signed an income tax treaty on 13 November 2023. The signing took place in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Saudi Arabia and Gambia – The Gambia and Saudi Arabia entered into a tax treaty on 9 November 2023 as part of the Saudi-Arab- African Economic Conference held in Riyadh on the same day.

Saudi Arabia and Egypt – Saudi Arabia and Egypt are in the process of negotiating a revision to their DTT.



Oman and Qatar – The Income and Tax Capital Treaty between Oman and Qatar became effective on 1 January 2023.


Oman and Egypt – Egypt and Oman signed an Income Tax Treaty on 22 May 2023 and a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in areas related to financial policies and developments on the sidelines of the Egyptian-Omani Business Forum in Cairo.


Oman and Cyprus – Oman signed a DTT with Cyprus. Official approval was granted for an agreement to combat double taxation and address tax evasion pertaining to income taxes on 19 July 2023.


Oman and Russia – On 29 November 2023, the Russian government announced the approval of the Oman-Russia Income Tax Treaty (2023) by the Russian State Duma, the lower chamber of the Russian parliament. The treaty outlines specific tax rates.

Oman and Kazakhstan – On 10 November 2023, the Kazakhstan government granted authorization through Decree No. 994 for the Minister of Finance to sign an income and capital tax treaty with Oman. An official version of the income and capital tax treaty has yet to be published.



Kuwait and San Marino ‘initiated’ a DTT on 23 March.


Kuwait and Ecuador – Substantial progress was revealed in the ongoing negotiations for a DTT between Ecuador and Kuwait. The discussions, now at an advanced stage, indicate a promising advancement in the bilateral tax relations between both countries.

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