
VAT adds complexity to customs

VAT adds complexity to customs

The Gulf Cooperation Council applies a unified Customs Law since 2002. The same GCC Member States have signed an Agreement to implement VAT. The VAT legislation will apply on imports and supplies of goods, amongst others also on supplies of goods between the Member States of the GCC.

Contrary to customs duties though, VAT on imports is recoverable. Customs duties are paid to the Customs authority and import VAT usually follows the same procedure.

Holding compliant customs documentation will now however become even more important since the tax authorities will require importers and exporters to hold compliant documentation. Any customs suspension and associated procedures (e.g. warehousing) will also be followed by the tax authorities for VAT purposes. In other words, getting it wrong will not only impact customs duties but also VAT, increasing potential risks.

Since the GCC Customs Union works in a more complicated way than for example the Customs Union in the European Union, this complexity trickles through in VAT. This is compounded by the fact that not all GCC Member States will implement VAT at the same time.

Pending the implementation of VAT in the UAE and KSA on 1 January 2018, a mapping of the supply chain is required in order to qualify each and every single transaction for VAT purposes and determine what the invoicing, reporting and compliance requirements are. The implementation of these transactions in the IT systems will be the most time consuming process. Although a lot of the legislation is yet to be published, businesses should and can already start preparing.

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Identifying indirect tax hurdles for your supply chain

Identifying indirect tax hurdles for your supply chain

When setting up or reviewing their supply chain, businesses seek the most (cost) efficient and lean way for the cross-border movement of their goods. However, when performing this exercise, the indirect tax and regulatory requirements should be duly taken into account in order not to create any unforeseen or hidden (financial) risks.

For example, companies and supply chain experts continuously needs to ask themselves the following questions. Are all the required documents and certificates in place to import goods into a certain country? Are my products classified correctly for customs purposes? How is the taxable base for customs and import VAT calculated? Are there any related-company transactions and have these been taken into account for customs valuation? Are the incoterms in line with the contractual agreements and supply chain reality? How is the preferential and non-preferential origin of my product managed? Are there international sanctions and restrictions related to my products, my business partners or the country of destination? Etc. Non-compliance with the applicable regulations and formalities could lead to severe financial penalties imposed by the Customs and VAT Authorities. But next to the direct cost, companies should also be aware for the indirect financial implications as the cost of supply chain disruptions due to blocked or seized goods cannot be underestimated.  In the world of international and cross-border trade, one catch phrase sums it up quite nicely: “if you think compliance is expensive, try non-compliance!”

Luckily, local legislations and international agreements have foreseen in various possibilities and legal tools not only to mitigate the risks, but also to establish an efficient customs and supply chain setup. With sufficient in-depth knowledge of the business combined with legal expertise, asking the right questions allows you to seize short term opportunities.

Are there optimizations possible through product classification or valuation of the import transaction? Am I using the full potential of international free trade agreements? Can I shift costs and responsibilities to my business partner through the use of Incoterms? Are there special customs procedures and arrangements foreseen enabling me to optimize customs duties (e.g. customs warehouse, free zones, temporally import, etc.)? Are there any simplification procedures foreseen enabling me to streamline and optimize my supply chain? Etc. 

As the complex and ever-changing legislation brings both risks and opportunities, we would recommend to take a close look at the impact indirect tax requirements and other regulatory formalities have on your supply chain, and how these are currently managed. A good understanding of your business setup combined with a thorough knowledge of the various legal requirements will enable you to mitigate risks and spot opportunities and optimizations. This holds true especially now that VAT will be introduced in the GCC. A mapping of the current supply chain is therefore very important to further determine the appropriate strategies.