Ramadan Generosity Generates Tax Revenue

Ramadan is regarded as a time of piety, charity, and blessings. Charities and foundations are noticeably more active during the Holy Month, providing assistance to those in need. In a spirit of generosity, meals are provided at mosques, malls, and other public places.

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Aurifer’s views on Pillar Two for the UAE

The UAE Pillar Two Public Consultation document was initially issued by the UAE Ministry of Finance as part of their groundwork for Pillar Two implementation. Aurifer has integrated its responses within the document and our firm views do not necessarily reflect the views of our clients, nor of the individuals employed by the firm.

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Business Visitor VAT Refunds

Check your business eligibility for foreign business refund via the Business Visitor Refund Scheme in the EU and GCC. Download our latest brochure here.

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Tax Groups under UAE Corporate Income Tax: What You Need to Know

The UAE Corporate Income Tax in Articles 40-42 of the UAE Corporate Income Tax Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses) contains provisions on “Tax Groups”, i.e., the situation where two or more taxable persons are allowed to form a tax group and, therefore, be treated as a single taxable person for UAE CIT purposes.

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