VAT training course Dubai


The training session aims to ensure that the audience is informed of the reporting obligations with respect to the UAE VAT Laws following the implementation of VAT in the UAE on 1 January 2018. 

The training will primarily focus on the VAT return and will cover the possible transactions and the manner in which they need to be reported. The training will also touch upon the scope of VAT and VAT administration.

The training will help the audience to develop the necessary expertise and understanding of filing the VAT return which will reduce the risk of exposure to the VAT liabilities and penalties.

Practical examples will be given of typical transactions of a UAE business. We will also analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and prescribe the appropriate reporting of these transactions.

The training will be divided in three main parts

I. Understanding the Value Added Tax
During the first part we will focus on the scope of VAT which will help in determining the transactions type and effective VAT rate, place of supply and the tax points. The training will also provide guidance related to requirements for compliant documentation in the UAE and the Federal Law Tax Procedures such as administrative penalties and record keeping.

II. Understanding the UAE VAT return
Step by step guide to the filing of VAT return which will cover:
– VAT on sales and all other outputs
– VAT on expenses and all other inputs

An explanation of the restrictions on input VAT deduction, the deduction of import VAT and the VAT Return administration

III. The final part of the training will focus on the administration of the VAT return; which includes:
– Where to file the VAT return
– Periodicity of filing the VAT return
– How to make amendments in the return 
– The method of making payments to the Authorities
– The procedures and conditions for claiming a refund   

VAT training course Dubai


The Tax courses training in Dubai analyses how law firms and professional services firms are impacted. Because of the unique way in which they operate, they are faced with specific issues. The VAT treatment of disbursements is one example, since firms often advance expenses in the name and on behalf of their clients. Interfirm billing is another practical hurdle, as well as potential the possibility of having foreign fixed establishments, and the influence of collection on working capital. The training will also analyse what the VAT status is of the customers and vendors.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the VAT legislation.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. Transitional provisions
What are the applicable transitional provisions.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the authorities? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

This course is CLPD accredited and grants 3 points.

VAT training course Dubai


This training provides an overview of how the currently available VAT legislation applies in the retail sector, both in KSA and the UAE 

It explains basic concepts such as which businesses need to register for VAT in the UAE, whether UAE VAT needs to be charged or not, who is liable for VAT on these supplies, how to invoice and how to specifically report transactions.

Practical examples will be given of typical transactions of a retail business.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the VAT law.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. Transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions? What is the impact on long term supply contracts?

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting. What relief is available for retail businesses in terms of its invoicing and what are the conditions?

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of GAZT? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

fee per participant 1,250 AED

VAT training course Dubai


This training provides an overview of the VAT legislation in the UAE. Insofar as available, it will discuss the VAT Executive regulations, as well as the Federal Tax Procedures Law and its Executive Regulations.

It explains basic concepts such as which businesses need to register for VAT in the UAE, whether UAE VAT needs to be charged or not, who is liable for the payment of VAT, how to invoice and how to specifically report transactions.

Practical examples will be given of typical transactions of a UAE business.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring to the UAE.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
Who is liable for the payment of input VAT towards the administration.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation in the UAE.

6. UAE transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions in the UAE.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit by the FTA look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the FTA? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

VAT training course Dubai


This training provides an overview of the VAT legislation in the KSA. It explains basic concepts such as which businesses need to register for VAT in the KSA, whether KSA VAT needs to be charged or not, who is liable for the payment of VAT, how to invoice and how to specifically report transactions.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring to KSA.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the KSA VAT law.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation in KSA.

6. KSA transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions in KSA.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit by GAZT look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of GAZT? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

fee per participant 1,250 SAR

VAT training course Dubai


The VAT treatment of the financial sector is particularly complex due to its limited VAT recovery and specific obligations imposed on it, the financial sector is uniquely complex. Outsourcing of services often comes with a cost. We look at mitigating strategies to limit these costs, such as VAT group. Expenses between branches and head offices are also subject to a special regime.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge and who is liable for the payment of VAT.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. Transitional provisions
What are the applicable transitional provisions.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the authorities? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

VAT training course Dubai


The UAE is the logistical and transport hub of the region. Due to the particular nature of the customs framework of the GCC and the way that VAT ties into that framework, logistics companies face challenges in qualifying the supply chain for VAT purposes. Of particular relevance are the processes logistics companies are using and the proof they hold to show where goods came from and where they go to.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge of the VAT or who is liable for the payment of VAT towards the authorities.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. KSA transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions in KSA.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the authority? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

VAT training course Dubai


The UAE is the logistical and transport hub of the region. Due to the particular nature of the customs framework of the GCC and the way that VAT ties into that framework, logistics companies face challenges in qualifying the supply chain for VAT purposes. Of particular relevance are the processes logistics companies are using and the proof they hold to show where goods came from and where they go to.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge of the VAT or who is liable for the payment of VAT towards the authorities.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. KSA transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions in KSA.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the authority? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

VAT training course Dubai


The real estate sector is one of the most important sectors in Dubai, and by extension the UAE. World Expo 2020 will provide for a boost in infrastructure spending. This seminar looks at the specific way VAT applies to the real estate sector, looking at it from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders. It analyses the VAT liability of real estate businesses, and explains when the rent or sale is taxed, exempt or out of scope of VAT.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the VAT legislation.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation.

6. Transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of the authority? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

VAT training course Dubai


This training provides an overview of the VAT framework in the GCC. It explains basic concepts such as which businesses need to register for VAT, who is liable for the payment of VAT and whether VAT needs to be charged, how to invoice and how to report transactions. A comparison will be made between the Member States who have provided more detail in their implementing laws on certain topics.

It also gives an update on where the other GCC countries currently stand in terms of the development of their domestic laws. Practical examples will be given of typical transactions of a GCC business.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the VAT legislation.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation .

6. KSA transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.

fee per participant 1,250 AED

VAT training course Dubai


This training provides an overview of the VAT legislation in the KSA. It explains basic concepts such as which businesses need to register for VAT in the KSA, whether KSA VAT needs to be charged or not, who is liable for the payment, how to invoice and how to specifically report transactions.

Practical examples will be given of typical transactions of a KSA business.

1. Background
The drivers behind the introduction of VAT, the legal basis and what it is aimed to bring to KSA.

2. Registration and group registration
Under which conditions does a business need to get registered and under which conditions can it register as a group.

3. Scope of VAT
The three types of taxable supplies, i.e. goods, services and imports and their place of supply. In which cases these goods or services are subject to a zero rate or an exemption.

4. VAT liability
In which cases is foreseen in a reverse charge in the KSA VAT law.

5. Tax deduction and the required documentation
What are the requirements for compliant documentation in KSA.

6. KSA transitional provisions
What are the transitional provisions in KSA.

7. Invoicing and accounting
How do compliant invoices need to look like and how these should be reflected in the accounting.

8. Submitting VAT returns (and how to correct them)
What information needs to be communicated in the VAT return. How do I correct a wrong VAT return ?

9. Audit procedures
What will an audit by GAZT look like? In which cases is the audit announced and when is it unannounced? What are the powers of GAZT? What are the applicable penalties?

10. Exercises
We will analyse a number of purchase transactions and sales transactions, qualify them for VAT purposes and define the appropriate invoicing for these transactions as well as how they should be reported.